Re: Merit Radius and Portmaster

Garry Shtern (
Thu, 16 Nov 1995 12:39:01 +1130 (???)

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Christian Nielsen wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Garry Shtern wrote:
> > and this point he/she would type in ppp, slip or telnet and go on from
> > there, if they type ppp it would authenticate them using ppp, slip
> > authentication using slip, and telnet it would come up with a telnet
> > prompt, or login to the host if they type telnet host
> Or even a menu type system
> 1 guest
> 2 Telnet
> 3 PPP
> 4 Slip
> 5 Cslip
> login: Username
> passwd: xxxxx
Precisely.. any ideas?
