Re: Modem Problem

Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:33:18 +0100

At 15:43 15/11/1995 -0600, you wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Nov 1995 wrote:
>> I have one user who says that as soon as his modem connects
>> with any one of the 10 modems on my PM, it drops carrier.
>> He insists that he can connect to lots of other sites
>> (BBSes, Compuserve, AOL, etc.) with exactly the same setup.
>> What shall I tell him to look at?
>> Pete
>We have seen the problem here as well. Most commonally with the zoom's,
>supra's and boca modems.


>Also we found that this problem occurs due to a version of WinFax. I
>don't remember the version number though, but it puts a line in the
>system ini file that needs to be removed.
>The line is something like
>Com1 FIFO=0
>But don't quote me on that...

So Far, I've gathered the following (not completely verifed) information:
UART 16550 is a good number. Though, it needs some help, specially on
Windows systems, so that compressed (high speed) data caracters gets to the
program that required them before they got "overrun".
COMxFiFo=1 setup a FIFO buffer for input caracters.
The setup I have is:
;; Add-Ons for smart Comms
Com2Base=02F8 ; hardware specific
Com2Irq=3 ; hardware specific

Had to change my comm.drv & serial.386 too.
You bet I don't understand any of those lines.
Less "overruns", no more "drop carrier", but don't quote me on this.

>The other thing that I find which doesn't make sense is that the login
>scripts for winsock doesn't always work, but yet they can do the same
>thing manually and it works. Most of the time a change in the init
>string for the modem makes the script work, but not always. Try doing a
>manual login with the user.

We add similar trouble, and we did :
- update logintimeout from 10 to 30
(30 seconds to wait for the "Login:" string).

- Even better: Don't use "Login:" "Password:" checkup, but PAP
(Password Authentication Protocol) for PPP users.

- If at all possible, make sure login scripts don't look for
"Login:" "Password:" strings, but rather "ogin:" and "assword:" strings.

- For users with dynamic IP address, check the IP address "proposed"
by the PC to the portmaster is

- Trace the connexion and look for differences between the speed setup
before modem connexion ... and the speed setup (PC - modem) after the
modems have connected (but that was mostly a cure for "garbage"
caracters at login).

Tell us if any of those hints did the job.


Eric SALOME <>
Societe CERTIX Sarl tel : +33 (1)
32, bd de Strasbourg gsm : +33
75010 PARIS fax : +33 (1)
Conseil et Ingenierie en Informatique