Re: Modem Problem ("")
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 15:43:04 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 14 Nov 1995 wrote:

> I have one user who says that as soon as his modem connects
> with any one of the 10 modems on my PM, it drops carrier.
> He insists that he can connect to lots of other sites
> (BBSes, Compuserve, AOL, etc.) with exactly the same setup.
> What shall I tell him to look at?
> Pete

We have seen the problem here as well. Most commonally with the zoom's,
supra's and boca modems.

Usually what we found is that with the zoom's and the boca the strin

&c1&k3 needs to be sent...

and with the supra's
&c1 needs to be sent
the &k3 screws them up.

Also we always have our users reset their modems to factory defaults
by using
&f&w I know this didn't need to be mentioned.

Also we found that this problem occurs due to a version of WinFax. I
don't remember the version number though, but it puts a line in the
system ini file that needs to be removed.

The line is something like

Com1 FIFO=0

But don't quote me on that...

The other thing that I find which doesn't make sense is that the login
scripts for winsock doesn't always work, but yet they can do the same
thing manually and it works. Most of the time a change in the init
string for the modem makes the script work, but not always. Try doing a
manual login with the user.
