
Tin V Le (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 11:58:11 -0800 (PST)

Please Cc me when replying to this message. I am in the list, but don't
have time to read it (it goes directly to my Web archive at I did scan through the
archive for dealers, and the only one mentioned for the Bay Area did not
return my message.

It seems to be impossible for me to find Livingston equipment in the SF
Bay Area. All the one I have are ordered from the East Coast, except for
one I got direct from Livingston. Is it that hard to find?

All I really need at the moment is the DB25 to V.35 cable for an IRX. I
tried leaving message at a local dealer (Henke?) yesterday, but have not
heard back yet. I need to get my FR online asap (don't we always?).
Where can I buy one? Is it only from Livingston? It would be nice if
Livingston list some of the major distributors so we can call and find

Tin Le

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