Re: ISPs - What modems are you having the best luck with PMs

Chris Trown (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 10:42:49 -0800 (PST)

Dick St.Peters sez
> Ian McLaughlin writes:
> > On Sun, 12 Nov 1995, Phil Jensen - News Administrator wrote:
> > > Welp, we're using about 120 USR Courier 33.6's. They are lovely, and the
> > > added cost makes up for it in both compatability and quality. :)
> >
> > I'll second that oppinion. We've been using US Robotics Couriers from
> > Day 1. They are a little bit more expensive, but it's funny you never
> > see questions in the mailing lists about "How do I remotely reset my
> > Courier" or "What init string do I use for my courier"... They just
> > work. At the POP I look after, we have 25 Couriers, and in 12 months, I
> > have only ever found one modem that had locked up - just had to switch it
> > off and on again.
> After using Sportsters at my base POP (in my home) for my first year,
> I went with Couriers (MP/8 & MP/16 racks) for my remote POPs, and I
> upgraded my base POP also.
> I have yet to have one of the Courier racks last more than three weeks
> without losing modems. Just a couple hours ago I got back from
> retrieving an MP/8 from a small remote POP to serve as a standin for
> half an MP/16 while the /16 goes back for repair after losing half its
> modems - one of its two banks of 8. When that /16 comes back, the /8
> goes to another POP to stand in for another /16 that has lost two
> modems - one modem in each of the 8-modem banks. When that /16 comes
> back, the /8 itself goes in for repair of one modem that doesn't pass
> self-test after a power cycle about half the time.
> The Couriers are superb modems when they work, but it's the Sportsters
> that I've never had a bit of trouble with.

The standalone Couriers are great. Even the Total Control dual V.34 modems
are good. I have also been having many problems with the MP16's I have. I'm
not buying any more of them. I got them because of price, and the ability to
mount them in a rack, but the reliability of these things leaves MUCH to be


+         Chris Trown	    + 	       Fly low		|   		      +
+  +	      and avoid		| Will OGG for a job! +
+   KD6EVS | '92 CBR600F2   +  	      the radar		|		      +