Re: Routing (fwd)

Steve Davies (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 19:28:59 +0200 (GMT+0200)

On Sat, 11 Nov 1995, Cor Bosman wrote:

> > Framed-Address = x.x.x.1
> > Framed-Netmask =
> > Framed-Route = "x.x.x.0 x.x.x.1 1"
> This wont help ofcourse as long as RIP is used. To me the most obvious
> reason for using this is if you have users who want to have a small
> subnet routed to their dialup machine, to serve multiple machines.

Do it like this:

1) "add netmask a.b.c.0" on each pm (or whatever mask
2) In the radius entry for the user who needs a subnet, assign them
an IP address (eg a.b.c.33) and route the subnet with
"Framed-Route = "a.b.c.32 a.b.c.33 1".
3) On your cisco's do "ip route a.b.c.32 a.b.c.32"
which gives it a hint as to how to interpret the host route that the
PM will RIP.

This works a treat for us for dozens of users.
