Routing (fwd)

Cor Bosman (
Sat, 11 Nov 1995 02:57:29 +0100

> Once upon a time Cor Bosman shaped the electrons to say...
> >> if it is a subnet there is a less messy way of doing this:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >Oh, wouldnt it be heaven if we could say:
> >Framed-Route = "subnet mask 1"
> Yeah, it would - which is why you can.
> Framed-Address = x.x.x.1
> Framed-Netmask =
> Framed-Route = "x.x.x.0 x.x.x.1 1"

This wont help ofcourse as long as RIP is used. To me the most obvious
reason for using this is if you have users who want to have a small
subnet routed to their dialup machine, to serve multiple machines.
Especially ISDN users have requested this a lot. Well, at the moment
we use 11 portmasters for dialup. RIP is unable to broadcast the
abovementioned netmask, so its useless to me. And after thinking about
it for 10 seconds (should probably have thought longer ;) I cant
find any use for it except for people with 1 portmaster.
Or are people actually using radius for hardwired lines?
That is ofcourse unless the portmasters expands this netmask into
hostroutes, but I doubt it :)

So, only possibility right now is to send several hostroutes.
But will they disappear when the user logs off? How many can one

Btw, I think the portmaster is the best value for money, and in many
respects the superior terminal server. Just some relatively big stuff
really needs to be added quickly so a lot of ISPs arent gonna be stuck
with ancient routing.
