Config PM with Supra FAX 28800

Mon, 13 Nov 1995 18:25:02 +0100


We are using the PM 2E & PM 2ER with Supra Fax Modems (28800 bauds).

We are currently using version 3.1.2 of ComOS, but we will soon install 3.1.4.

We are expenriencing several problems actually, and we believe that some of
them comes from the configuration "init string" of our modems.

It seems that when users get firts connected at a lower speed than 28800
bauds (say 21600) they might get disconnected within a few minutes. Some
said that happens when theirs modems tried to renegociate the transmission
to a higher speed... and the Suupra Fax didn't seem to follow.

Have you experiencing such behaviour ?

Someone could share the init string that works well for that modem's brand ?

Eric Salome

Eric SALOME <>
Societe CERTIX Sarl tel : +33 (1)
32, bd de Strasbourg gsm : +33
75010 PARIS fax : +33 (1)
Conseil et Ingenierie en Informatique