PM2eR routing problem
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 20:11:50 -0600 (CST)

I called Livingston ask for tech support early in the morning, the lady said
someone will call me back, seven hours later, when I called back again,
another lady answered the call and said my request was still in the
"queue" and she was not sure how soon the tech will be able to call back.
I wish Livingston should understand that customers using Portmaster are
providing a 24 hours service to their customers, if Livingston tech
support could response sooner, more customers would be happy!

I would appreciate if anyone in this list could give me some hints or guide.

We have eight PM2e-30 work great with no problem at all from few months to
a year at different locations. Last week we added two remote sites using
PM2eR-30, the setting is :

We have cisco 2511 link to Internet backbone, and on the same ethernet we
have an ACC channelized router (with ip address of A.B.C.D) which links with
many remote sites.
The other 8 remote sites using PM2e have no problem since all have a ACC
router at each of those 8 remote sites. But the new installed PM2eR are
hooked to DSU and links back to main location. The following are the
setting on PM2eR.

For PM1, which serve the A.B.E.x block

set address A.B.E.1
set w1 dest A.B.C.D
set route on

For PM2 which server the A.B.F.0 block

set address A.B.F.1
set w1 dest A.B.C.D
set route on

The links are up and running. I can telnet from the main location to
PM1 or PM2 or from PM1 PM2 to any hosts at A.B.C.0 subnet, or any other
14 blocks under our domain, except the two with the new PM2eR.

However, from PM1, we would not be able to ping any domain outside our
own domain. It seems that the PM1 and PM2 are not broacasting any info to
the other routers.

Am I missing anything in the setup?

Thanks for any hints.

****** **** Your gateway to the world ! *********
From: Ben Kueh E-mail :