Login Message

Thomas W. Holt Jr. (gwyn@holli.com)
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 09:56:38 -0500 (EST)

Just was sitting here wondering if there were any or if I could suggest,
variables in the Login Message. It would be really handy to have %P be
the current port number and maybe %N be the terminal server's name....see
currently our login message is the same on all the ports on all our
terminal servers...like this..
Hollicom Internet Services
Network Port: kok-ts0-s0

kok-ts0 is the Terminal Servers name and s0 the port.....I searched all
the docs I could find yesterday to see if I could do something like

Network Port: %N-%P

I figured it would have already been in the ComOS, but apparently it's
not. Any thoughts?

\\// Thomas W. Holt Jr. | gwyn@holli.com | HolliCom Sys Admin
\/ Office: 317-883-4562x313 | Fax: 317-883-7669 | Pager: 800-208-7907
"When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl." -jpb
Linux: Choice of a GNU generation! | http://www.holli.com/~gwyn