Silly little wars...

Joe USer (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 15:21:20 -0500 (est)

Using Windows NT or using Unix is not an issue. This is a free country,
you are all allowed to use whatever you want, or whatever your employer
wants. I chose Windows NT for a reason, I believe it has a great deal of
potential as a server platform, and is rapidly eclipsing Novell. But
that's not the point. I chose Livinston for my PPP server and my router.
I expected at some point to have pmconsole for windows, and (yay) it's
out. I would like to have RADIUS and the other nifty features, and I
think that eventually a port would be worthwhile to livingston and it's
users. I'm ashamed that this list turned into "my OS is better than
yours" and I think comments like "well run linux instead" are outright
worthless, for if I wanted a unix system, I would have started with a
unix system. Yelling at me is not going to get me to change my personal
"vision" of how my network should run, in fact, it's just going to upset
me. I think MZ acted a little too fast with the comments, but he's
human, and damn good in his field. Everyone who responed to to these
messages with their childish comments is at fault, and it's hiding the
issue at hand. If Livingston is not going to support NT...ohwell, I'll
have to sell the portmasters and get something that will support my
platform. But for now, I'm happy with what I have and I'm happy with the
$10,000 worth of livingston equipment I own.
