Not authenticating

Chris Schmidt (
Tue, 7 Nov 95 09:44:47 PST

Okay. Here's my "not authenticating" story.

We started having power glitches this morning at about 3:30 am (snow storm, wet
heavy snow). So, around 4:30 I decided to shut everything down. The battery
backups were doing a great job but who want's to take a chance.

Everything came back up at around 9:00 this morning. I could see the modems
ringing and the portmaster answering and trying to authenticate, but no go.
"Hmmm. This sounds familiar. I'm running 3.1.4. I've heard about this! I
know what to do!"

Only it didn't work. I couldn't even see the portmaster to log into it
to reset the authentication.

Of course, turning on the hub helped and everything is now working fine

One thing came out of this, though. I lost part of my routing table, even
though, right before I shut the portmaster down, I did a save all. Anyone
know why?

