PM2eR memory requirements

David Carmean (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 22:53:27 -0800 (PST)

How much memory does a, say, 46-rule filter take up in
storage in a PM2eR? And...does it get *copied* when actually applied
to an inteface, so that it uses up more RAM, or does it get used in
place. This is an atypically complex filter for a dial-in port,
but it's for my home system, so I'm being careful about it :o)

But what if I were to apply say, a 10-rule filter, to all 30 ports at
the same time (e.g. for POP3, DNS, and SMTP access only)? How would
this affect CPU load and memory capacity?

This is what I see with 29 users on, and this one filter, and about 50
entries (dynamic) in the IP routing table:>show mem
System memory 1044479 bytes - 943456 used, 101023 available
4240:3 1152:1 640:6 112:2 2048:6 80:3 64:3 144:7 16:141 160:0 192:1 128:6 32:2
System nbufs 1400 - 170 used, 1230 available


David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
PGP Key Fingerprint: CD 1C C1 15 3E E3 1D 41 ED C2 3E A8 D6 29 BD C4