Re: Radius For Nt....

Michael Dillon (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 23:42:07 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Chris Woods wrote:

> (2) Whether NT is "better" than *nix is irrelevant. NT will be more
> popular than *nix because as time goes on, more clueless newbies and
> sysadm-wannabe's will be getting into the business. They will start right
> out with NT because the thought of learning how to use unix will frighten
> them back into their mommies' wombs. It will be these thousands of
> newcomers to TCP/IP that will drive the market, creating more demand for
> an easily-administered server platform. Millions, even billions, will be
> dumped into NT development and improvement. This certainly won't hurt
> NT's market position.

The high tech market is just not that predictable that you can reliably
extrapolate so far into the future. Your predictions are especially
unlikely because Microsoft has steamrollered a certain segment of the
market in the past and history (in high tech) shows that kind of
dominance to be short-lived. You could be right but I believe there is
less than a 50% chance that you are. And if what you say does come to
pass I think it highly likely that the market will be fragmented into a
high end and a low end with UNIX keeping the high end.

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-542-4130 E-mail: