Re: My stance on NT

Frank Heinzius (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 10:45:11 +0000

My few words to the NT discussion:

I think it's not the question whether NT is a good OS or not. The
main thing is: where does NT fit in the PortMaster environment?

PortMasters, esp. the terminal servers, are mostly used for dialup
connections on TCP/IP-basis. We have customers, who ask for Windows
NT support. But not for RADIUS, but for RAS support. Up to now, RAS
solutions require intelligent serial boards in the NT servers.
I heard rumors, that Livingston will support RAS. Is that true? If yes,
_then_ it would be useful to support RADIUS service from an NT
server, too.

BTW.: U.S.Robotics has a RADIUS server under MS Windows *shudder*


***** The expressed opinions are totally mine! *****
Frank M. Heinzius           MMS Communication GmbH           Eiffestrasse 598
Phone: +49 40 211105-0      Fax: +49 40 210 32 210