US Robotics and 23 Replies

Sys. Admin. (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 23:02:50 -0500 (EST)

This is the last message I had sitting in my mbox when I got
back from vacation today, so I will post here since everyone wanted
to know basically the same thing....

Chris, way back when you said:

>I use 28.8 US Robotics Sportsters, haven't had a damn problem with'm
>yet, out of the box, flip dip switch 5 and plug it into the portmaster.
> I can get'm for about $165.00 + cable.
> I highly recommend them but ymmv.

I buy only US Robotics Sportsters 28.8 flavour, not because I think
they are superior to all others but because they work, I have a place
where I can buy bulk and I don't have to change anything ( well a little )
on the portmaster.

There is a local place here in town ( Kalamazoo Michigan ) named Best Buy.
More then likely your city has a place just like it, bulk named tech items
that they sell for dirt cheap, many go by 'Circuit City', 'American Wired',
'Frys'...what not, but they are at least local to my city. I walked in,
told them what I was doing ( ISP'n ) and said I would like to keep the
money I am spending in my city. I know this place is state wide, if not
national, but the money I put into it helps to pay the wage of some high
school kid in my town...anyways, I asked for the absolute best deal
they could give me if I bought, say, 5-10 at a crack, the price was
$165.00, great price, they have'm when I need them and I don't have to
deal with mail order places. Now I buy all of my hardware from them,
if they can get it, I get a good price + good service and will recommend
any customer that asks to buy from them....

As far as setup, a number of people have asked me what init string I use
or what I change on the portmaster to get them to work. Nothing really,
just do a 'set all <whatever>' for what you need and it works for me.
My customers get a 24K-28K connection everytime, I have only seen
a 21.6K connection from my home ( way out in the sticks ) once.

IMHO, A Livingston Portmaster and US Robotics Sporster is about the
best combo I have come across....

YMMV, but I will stick with them...
