Re: RADIUS porting....start with Merit!

root (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 11:19:09 -0800

On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, David Carmean wrote:

> I'd like to suggest that if anybody is going to port RADIUS
> to anything, that they start from the Merit distribution. Almost
> *infinitely* more extensible, IMO.
> I'm working on a patch to do the user.service type thing (also
> service:user).... can anybody send me the URL for the SCP patches so
> I can duplicate their functionality?
I do belive the patches you are looking for are in the /contrib directory
on the server (I could be wrong). When you do get
the Merit version of radius patched to support the SCP option I would
like a copy. This is the only thing stopping me from installing the
Merit version.

> I haven't gotten Merit installed in place of the Livingston server yet,
> because we use service:user (because everybody else in this county
> does), but in tests it compiles and works just fine on Linux and
> Solaris 2.4/Sparc.
I am in the same boat with the SCP patch. The merit version compiled
fine and seems to work ok, but my users all are used to the SCP options
and changing things now is not an option. (things got quite spam like
last time I changed the authentication method).

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