Re: Radius For NT....

jeff wheat (jeff@CetLink.Net)
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 13:40:58 -0500 (EST)

> One more comment. Livingston is responsible for porting RADIUS to NT if
> they want to continue to be competitive.
> NT is real and I don't have to tell you that it is. Just take a look at
> where almost every forward thinking organization is going. There is
> not a valid opponent. It will be and it actually is the way corporate
> customers are going. Any viable product will have NT support.
> I suggest there is no real reason to fight this. RADIUS MUST be ported
> to NT.

PLUUUEEEEZZZZ!!! Every "forward thinking" customer that my company
supports is in the process of getting rid of the Novell/NT/MsLan servers.
The power servers of this age are Un*x of some flavor based. Even here in
the South that is well-known for being behind the rest of the world
realizes this. Next thing I expect to here that OS/2 (half an OS!) is a
real operating system! Almost all Un*x's that I support are beginning to
support WinDoze based applications as well as MeSsyDOS stuff. The trend
is to move into *real* working environemnts. Lets face it, I do not
expect to see Xwindows for example to be ported to NT/DOS boxes in the
foreseeable future.
