Re: IRX111, Frame Relay, and IPX... Will it work?

Owen DeLong (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 08:36:15 -0800


Step one: Determine what kind of PVC topology you want...

Mesh: a-b a-c a-d b-c b-d c-d
Ring: a-b b-c c-d d-a
Star: a-b a-c a-d

Step two: Order it from the telco

Step three: Install it.

Step four: configure IRX's Let's assume we do a mesh and assign networks
as follows:

a = A
b = B
c = C
d = D
a-b = AB aDLCI 16 bDLCI 16
a-c = AC aDLCI 17 cDLCI 16
a-d = AD aDLCI 18 dDLCI 16
b-c = BC bDLCI 17 cDLCI 17
b-d = BD bDLCI 18 dDLCI 17
c-d = CD cDLCI 18 dDLCI 18

Set the DLCI lists appropriately:

ether0 ipx network A
s1 ipx DLCI 16:AB 17:AC 18:AD

ether0 ipx network B
s1 ipx DLCI 16:AB 17:BC 18:BD

ether0 ipx network C
s1 ipx DLCI 16:AC 17:BC 18:CD

ether0 ipx network D
s1 ipx DLCI 16:AD 17:BD 18:CD

Note: This is general configuration information only. I have not actually
done exactly this, but it should be at least close to what works for Novell.

This explains your previous message. Premeire internet service provider using
Novell... <sound of head shaking>


> Can I use 4 IRX111s with Frame Relay to connect 4 Novell NetWare networks
> running IPX only? If anyone has this working, please send me email telling
> how everything is configured or at least letting me know that it can be
> done. Thanks a million!
> -Robert
> Robert Boyle - Engineer
> Garden Networks: Northern New Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider
> 50 Diller Ave. Newton, NJ 07860 (201)300-9211 9AM-5PM EST
> Automatic Response: