Radius Cont

Jeffery J. Hayward (jeff@minerva.athenet.net)
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 15:45:28 -0600 (CST)


Can't seem to reach you via support email, so I'll try the list again.

Can radius be compiled and configured (without the -DNOSHADOW) such that
for standard network users (PPP/SLIP) it will use /etc/raddb/users and
for the login (in this case rlogin) going to the unix servers it will use
/etc/shadow to authenticate users not in /etc/raddb/users? If this is
the case I have the PPP authentication working great, but the shell
(rlogin) users just get invalid password. I've compiled it such that it
will use the shadow file. Ideas? (I've tried the entry in
/etc/hosts.equiv since I've disabled pass-thru but still get invalid
passwords for all users in /etc/shadow).


- Athenet Internet Services - Jeff Hayward -
- Appleton Wisconsin - http://www.athenet.net/~jeff -
- http://www.athenet.net - (Under Construction) -