Re: Session-Timeouts (fwd)

Darryl Trujillo (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 13:08:57 -0800

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Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 13:08:58 -0800
To: Stephen Fisher <>
From: (Darryl Trujillo)
Subject: Re: Portmaster Users Digest V95 #298

At 11:39 AM 11/2/95, Stephen Fisher wrote:

> Trumpet is unreliable? I've seen it crash maybe once in the
> past 1 1/2 years (Win 3.1, Win95, etc). Also you have to buy the
> "Plus Pack" with Win95 to even use the Internet features.

That last part is incorrect. Win95 users only need the "plus"
package for *server* features; the base distribution fully supports
clients, including winsock, dialer, and some basic client software.

- dmt