Re: URGENT**** (fwd)

Phil Jensen - News Administrator (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 08:07:34 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 1 Nov 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> I completely disbelieve we caused it though any fault of ours.

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Charles Scott wrote:

> Brian:
> I think you should be carefull about making such statements. We had
> this happen to us also, just after updating a PM to 3.1.4. There is
> nothing I can find in our host or PM configurations which could have
> caused the symptoms we saw. We have never seen this happen with anything
> else, and it only affected the hosts ability to talk to the PM, nothing
> else! (RIP updatess?????)

Just because there is nothing -you- can find, doesn't mean it is a RADIUS
bug, or a problem with your Portmaster. Did you check your interface(s)?
What operating system are you using? You can find out quite a bit of
information about your shell host by just typing:

# ifconfig <interface>

For example:

sierra# ifconfig ef0
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

It's not a port on the UNIX host, that gets trashed, either. He said he
was having problems with his network all-around, and not just a single
port. I've had the same problems myself about a year and a half ago, but
they were of my doing, and not because of a Portmaster.

> Like the others, our PM sent the authentication request to our RADIUS
> server, but the RADIUS server was unable to get the reply back to the
> PM. Our logs show that the authentication request was received and the
> response sent many times for each connection attemp, but the PM never
> received it. Since you don't need to do anything to the PM to clear the
> problem, it's obvious that it's the port on the RADIUS host that gets
> trashed. The question is why!
> It sure will be interesting to see a routes table from a host that's
> having this problem.


> Chuck Scott, Pres.
> Freeway, Inc.

Phil Jensen _\\|//_
News Administrator (-0-0-)
ValleyNet Communications - Central California's Premier Internet Provider
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