Re: URGENT**** (fwd)

Charles Scott (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 09:51:51 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 1 Nov 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> I completely disbelieve we caused it though any fault of ours.

I think you should be carefull about making such statements. We had
this happen to us also, just after updating a PM to 3.1.4. There is
nothing I can find in our host or PM configurations which could have
caused the symptoms we saw. We have never seen this happen with anything
else, and it only affected the hosts ability to talk to the PM, nothing
else! (RIP updatess?????)
Like the others, our PM sent the authentication request to our RADIUS
server, but the RADIUS server was unable to get the reply back to the
PM. Our logs show that the authentication request was received and the
response sent many times for each connection attemp, but the PM never
received it. Since you don't need to do anything to the PM to clear the
problem, it's obvious that it's the port on the RADIUS host that gets
trashed. The question is why!
It sure will be interesting to see a routes table from a host that's
having this problem.

Chuck Scott, Pres.
Freeway, Inc.