Nathan Mercer (support@mac.co.nz)
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 00:25:39 +1300

We thought it would be a good idea have a dial up line solely dedicated for
UUCP access.

Therefore how can we set up a port on the pm so that it will only do UUCP,
and will automatically start a UUCP session?

Any tips/suggestions anyone? Any other ideas or things we should know about?

Kindest regards

Nathan Mercer
Technical Support, NetAccess
Christchurch, New Zealand

      My Wonderfully Pathetic Web Page

Nathan Mercer Voice +64 3 379 0193 P O Box 3007 Fax +64 3 379 9490 Christchurch Mobile +64 25 352 339 New Zealand 8015 nathan@newzeal.com nathan@southern.co.nz nathan@mac.co.nz