Re: Linux ?

Dave Andersen (
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 20:15:48 -0700 (MST)

Lo and behold, Alan Peng once said:

> Could someone that has used the Portmaster with Linux give me some
> feedback on the reliability and general day to day maintenance of the
> box. As I am considering buying either the Annex 4000 or the Portmaster.

After the initial installation woes (when I didn't really have a
clue. :), the only problem we've had with the portmaster is that one of
them seems to have developed a bad port. Livingston support suggested
some remedies for it, but I haven't tried them yet because the portmaster
is always full. I'm taking things down tomorrow and will find out. :-)
We switched to the Portmasters from using Cisco 2511s as terminal servers
and haven't regretted the decision in the slightest. They require very
little babying, as far as I've been able to tell, and they improve with
each version of the ComOS.

(Anyone disagree? :-)

-Dave Andersen

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