Re: Linux ?

Jeffrey C. Ollie (
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 20:49:23 -0600

>>>>> "A" == Alan Peng <> writes:
A> Could someone that has used the Portmaster with Linux give me some
A> feedback on the reliability and general day to day maintenance of the
A> box. As I am considering buying either the Annex 4000 or the Portmaster.

In general, I feel that the PortMaster is a superior product. The
RADIUS authorization/accounting excellent. One good point (three
cheers for Livingston) about RADIUS versus the Annex's authentication
mechanism is that RADIUS is an open standard, with freely available
source code. Your RADIUS server can be used with more than just
Livingston products (e.g. Ascend). On top of that, you get rock solid
PPP and SLIP implementations with the capacity to keep 30 high speed
modems going full blast.

I don't have any direct experience with Annexes, but we sent our test
unit back and ordered a passel of PortMasters.

Jeffrey C. Ollie
Iowa Network Services System Administrator