Re: Windows 95

Joerg SPROCKETS Grau (
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 12:06:01 -0500 (EST)

We had a customer who had a similar problem. I believe it has to do with
trumpet. It is a known bug that trumpet sometimes has a timing probelm
with certain PC's. What happens is that trumpet is in the process of
connecting, and it things the idle logon time is up, which causes it to
disconnect. Increase the automatic logout time to a huge value under the
file menu in setup. It shouldn't matter anyways since you guys should
disconnect him after a certain amount of idle time anyways.

Hope that helps...


Joerg 'SPROCKETS' Grau | |

"We watched our friends grow up together, and we saw them as they fell. Some of them fell into heaven, some of them fell into hell."

the pogues