Radius ?

Jeffery J. Hayward (jeff@minerva.athenet.net)
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 08:36:58 -0600 (CST)

We have 3 term servers running 3.1.4. We have over 600 PPP users in each
user table, but although two have the same netu db and over 155K mem
free, one only has 2K free. That one keeps dropping its user table.

Because of the problems, (which support@livingston.com hasn't gotten
back to me on in over a week) I've decided to try radius.

The ppp users authenticate great via radius, but since we are Solaris 2.4
X.86 we have to use rlogin and all I can get is invalid user for our
shell accounts. I've recompiled without the -DNOSHADOW flag and it still
fails to authenticate users. I'm running radius as root so it has shadow
access. Please advise.

Thanks in advance!


- Athenet Internet Services - Jeff Hayward -
- Appleton Wisconsin - http://www.athenet.net/~jeff -
- http://www.athenet.net - (Under Construction) -