pminstall for Solaris 2.4

Rob Poland (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 16:46:50 +0200

I'm running Solaris 2.4 and I'm trying to upgrade my Livingston
Portmaster 2e ComOS from 3.0.1 to 3.1.2 or higher and I want to make
a backup of the current configuration. I want to setup the
portmaster for UUCP and PPP users. The README file in says not to use pminstall on
Solaris 2.4. Furthermore I tried running the new pmconsole for
windows on Windows 3.1 and winsock 2.0Rb but I got a run time error
while making a backup of the configuration.

-Are there any specific modem (or portmaster) settings to connect
UUCP users?
-What is the alternative for pminstall under Solaris 2.4?
-How do I solve the run time error from PMconsole for Windows?

Rob Poland

Ir. R.T.J. Poland                      Phone   :         +258-1 492601
Universidade de Eduardo Mondlane       Fax     :         +258-1 491557
Centro de Informatica                  E-mail  :

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