Re: syslog

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Mon, 30 Oct 1995 09:26:06 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Philip Hammersley shaped the electrons to say...
>Does accounting do this? How do I activate accounting, if this is the

Yes, accounting will use UDP to send a 'closed' message.

>Am I a victim of old versions?

Yep. You need a recent *Livingston* release to do this. I believe Cayman
fumbled before they implimented accounting.

You realize Cayman is failing and can't/won't support these anymore. We
are offering to 'upgrade' the units to PMs so that you can get support and
software from us. But if you stick with Cayman I'm afraid you don't have
much of a future for the product.


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