Re: Diagnosing a PM-2e crash

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sun, 29 Oct 1995 17:36:02 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Brian Tao shaped the electrons to say...
> What sort of tools are available to figure out what caused a PM-2e
>to crash? We've had three of our Portmasters suddenly stop responding

Nothing much really. Make sure syslog is running, see if any errors
have been logged. Since the units crashed and rebooted, any stats with
problems have been reset...

>network is currently sitting at above 50% and spikes above 100%...
>could this cause a Portmaster to hang?

I don't think this would do it alone, but if you are tracking this,
how does it overlay with the crashes?


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