Re: Maximum serial cable length for hardwired machine?

Jeff Mcadams (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 14:42:53 -0400 (EDT)

> I have a customer located in the same building we are, and they
>would like to set up a small network in their offices with e-mail
>access. I figured the most inexpensive way would be simply to run a
>hardwired PPP connection to their router via a long serial cable to
>one of our PM-2e's. That way we can take advantage of our existing
>accounting software to track their usage.
> How far can I pull a cable like this without signal degradation?
>A common figure I hear thrown around is 50 feet. Is this RS-232 or
>RS-422 or what? I estimate I will need about 80 to 100 feet of cable
>run to reach their router. Will installing a couple of signal
>repeaters be all that is required? Does anyone have any experience
>with hardwired serial connections in the 50 to 200-foot distance
>range? The PM-2e and their router will be communicating at 57.6kbps.
> All suggestions welcome, thanks.

Yeah, have them run whatever ethernet media they are running (thinnet
and utp will both run plenty far) to your office, and run your direct
ppp serial connection, oh....5 feet? That's one way around it, just
move their router to your area. Different way of going about it, but it
*should* work anyway.

Jeff McAdams | "A strange game.
IgLou Internet Services | The only winning move is not to play."
e-mail: | -- Joshua