Re: PPP lock-ups?

David Jirku (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 13:17:13 -0400 (EDT)

> Are you still able to ping or telnet into the PM?? We have a similar deal
> but have different settings, We are running a dedicated telnet sessions
> once a person connects.(with autolog) so they never log into the PM they
> log into our host.

Can I ping the PMs IP? Is that the question? Or, the IP of the person on
a connection that is "frozen"? It is not as if all the sessions freeze at
once, it may be that just one connection goes away, while they other 29
are fine (for a while anyway).

David Jirku | | Echo Online Asst. Sys. Admin.
"Maybe God will be good, and take me..."