Re: Livingston Tech. Support ???

Dave Andersen (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 22:34:12 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, John Capo once said:
> Kevin,
> Quit whining about Livingston not supporting a third paty patch to
> radius and build it yourself.
> If you are not capable of patching and compiling the source, there
> are many consultants that read this list that will be glad to help
> you out. My rates are $52.00/hour with a 10 hour minimum.

I'm in complete agreement here. Nobody at livingston should feel like
they *have* to support modifications to their programs which they haven't
created themselves. I agree that now and then livingston support gets
overloaded even with legitimate support calls, but give them a break.
"I'm trying to do something that you never advertised could be done"
doesn't seem to rank too highly in my personal priority queue, and I
can't imagine that it would take much precedence over someone with a call
in saying her/his portmaster has turned over on its belly and died.

I'll second John's offer for compiling the radiusd on your system.

(And hope the rest of you will forgive the flame).

-Dave Andersen

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