Re: Livingston Tech. Support ??? (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 19:40:01 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time John Capo shaped the electrons to say...
>The patch for radius to support [SCP]user logins can be found in:

This is an important fact that maybe people don't realize.

Anything in the contrib area is someone else's work. We have the area
as a convenience. Things in there are not livingston tested, approved, or
supported. If you choose to use them, you are on your own. We may be
able to help, but technically they are unsupported and we are just being
nice if we do. And we can't spend a lot of time on it because we have
people with problems in *supported* issues to work on. You patch the
code, you take the risk. If you get in trouble because of it, don't even
think of blaming us.

That's just logical. If I put nitrous in my Cherokee and it blows up,
I wouldn't blame Jeep. Some of the patches have 'support' in that the
author mght help out. But it is basically freeware. Don't bet the
company on it - it might work for the author, but that is no guaruntee it
will work for you.

>If you are not capable of patching and compiling the source, there
>are many consultants that read this list that will be glad to help
>you out. My rates are $52.00/hour with a 10 hour minimum.

Thank you, John.


Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
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6920 Koll Center Parkway  #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566