Re: try to install practical peripherals modem

Krzysztof Adamski (
Tue, 24 Oct 95 07:56 EDT

>I try to install practical periphals modems 28,8 on a 2e and if i select the
>port speed to 57600 i can't connect in ppp with trumpet, if i put the port
>speed to 19200 it work good.
>if someone have a cue...

We have PPI28.8 modems here, they are connected at 115k and work fine. Well
fine is a relative term, out of 10 modems we had 4 die and two more are flakey.
Definitly not on the recommended list. If you open one you see that they use
the circuit board as a heatsink for the voltage regulator, and it gets very hot.
Even with proper cooling they are not very good for ISP type duty.


Krzysztof Adamski - NetSurf Inc. ISP