Re: PPP Autodetect

John-David Childs (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 23:42:57 -0600 (MDT)

On Tue, 24 Oct 1995, Greg Jarman wrote:

> Hi All,
> We support PPP, SLIP and shell users. Up till now I've been using a home
> grown terminal server under linux to handle the dialin lines.
> Most people use Trumpet Winsock, or MacPPP to dialin... both have
> scripting, and both can tell my getty what sort of session they want.
> Windows 95 doesn't come with a scripting tool however, so I hacked up my
> getty to autodetect PPP strings, and then use PAP to authenticate.

Actually, it does come with a scripting tool on the CD-ROM version of Win95.
If the user doesn't have the CD-ROM version, they can get the file DSCRPT.EXE
(Dialup Scripting Tool) from (or use the to find it). DSCRPT.EXE *is* the file on the CD-ROM
version of Win95 (I think M$oft bills it as part of the "Resource Kit").

> This is still in testing, and our users don't know about it yet. Anyway,
> there is a portmaster on the way (finally), and I don't want to change
> all our PPP users over to this new login method, and then have to change
> 'em back in a few weeks... so: Does the Portmaster (a 2er) support
> autodetect PPP?

Yep...just logged in to a Portmaster in Denver using PAP authentication :)


John-David Childs Information Systems Tech University of Montana-Missoula (406)243-2321 System Administrator Internet Services Montana (406)542-0838 "I used up all my sick days... so I'm calling in dead"