Re: CGI Script to turn PMWHO into a MODEM STATUS

Mury Andrew Johnson (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 23:23:22 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, Matthew Cable wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, Mike Jipping wrote:
> > I don't have this (and would love one), BUT I recently wrote a cool little
> > script that turns the output of "pmwho" (from the "pmwho.c" floating around) into
> > a "modem usage" page.
> >
> > I have included the CGI Perl script below.
> >
> > For a demo, check out "". Pretty cool for
> > our users.

I did a similar thing, but used cron to write the pmwho results into an
html file, if anyone cares. Extremely simple. If anyone is interested
I'll explain it in more detail.

The one above looks better however, if you wish to disclose how many
modems you have.