PPP Autodetect

Greg Jarman (greg@ne.com.au)
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 14:23:02 +1100 (EST)

Hi All,

We support PPP, SLIP and shell users. Up till now I've been using a home
grown terminal server under linux to handle the dialin lines.

Most people use Trumpet Winsock, or MacPPP to dialin... both have
scripting, and both can tell my getty what sort of session they want.

Windows 95 doesn't come with a scripting tool however, so I hacked up my
getty to autodetect PPP strings, and then use PAP to authenticate.

This is still in testing, and our users don't know about it yet. Anyway,
there is a portmaster on the way (finally), and I don't want to change
all our PPP users over to this new login method, and then have to change
'em back in a few weeks... so: Does the Portmaster (a 2er) support
autodetect PPP?
