Portmaster as Console server

Tim Hermans (thermans@psi.com)
Sun, 22 Oct 1995 10:00:12 -0400

I need some guidance here. We're trying to turn our Portmaster
2e into a console server. In other words we'll connect each of
our machines's console port to a port on the Portmaster and be
able to access it over the net via the PM.

I'm having trouble doing this.

I had the idea that you configure each port on the PM as follows:

----------------------- Current Status - Port S1 ----------------
Status: IDLE
Input: 0 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 0 Framing Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0

Active Configuration Default Configuration
(* = Host
-------------------- ---------------------
Can Override)
Port Type: Device Device
Device Service: Telnet@10001 Telnet@10001
Baud Rates: 9600 9600,9600,9600
Databits: 8 8
Stopbits: 1 1
Parity: none none
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff Xon/Xoff
Modem Control: off off
Hosts: spool1.foo.bar

Host Device: Network
Terminal Type:
Login Prompt:
Login Message: Welcome!

Then I could telnet to the PM, and from there do "telnet
PM-IP-Addr 10001". Is this a correct assumption? If it is, then
why doesn't it work? I can do the second telnet but this is as
far as I get:

Trying ...
Connected - Escape character is '^]'.

How should I configure the console port on the machine? (They're
Sparc 20's running Solaris 2.3).

Thanks for any help.

Tim Hermans | Email: thermans@psi.com
Pipeline USA Sys Admin |
PSI, Inc. | Phone: 703-904-4100 x1310
510 Huntmar Park Drive | Fax: 703-904-4200
Herndon VA 22070 |