More on init strings (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 13:32:31 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Mark Conway Wirt shaped the electrons to say...
>it handles the modems. Does the portmaster actually send any strings to
>the modem itself? The reason I ask is that we just put 15 USR sportsters

Not unless you have configured an entry in the modem table and set the
port to do it. It does not by default.

>on our portmaster, and only *one* of them will answer, EVEN THOUGH WE ARE
>USING IDENTICAL INIT STRINGS!!! Could the portmaster be sending out

Be aware that there are apparently a large number of Sportsters out there
from one run that are just broken out of the box. I don't know what the
serial numbers are, I've seen it reported on a few newsgroups. You might
contact USR.


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