More on init strings

Mark Conway Wirt (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 15:52:38 -0400

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From: Mark Conway Wirt <>
Subject: More on modem inits
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I'm a new user to the portmaster, so perhaps someone could explain how
it handles the modems. Does the portmaster actually send any strings to
the modem itself? The reason I ask is that we just put 15 USR sportsters
on our portmaster, and only *one* of them will answer, EVEN THOUGH WE ARE
USING IDENTICAL INIT STRINGS!!! Could the portmaster be sending out
strings and hosing our settings, or did we just get a bad batch of modems?

One would think that, with identical port settings, identical modems, and
identical init strings, that we would have similar behaviour on all of
our modems. Go figure....


Mark Conway Wirt | Intrepid Technologies Inc. | Shepherdstown West Virginia
finger for PGP | (304) 876-1199 | A Full-Service Internet Provider
