Re: PM2ER30 in a subneted class c

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 18:37:11 -0700

MZ hammers electrons into shape to say:
>Edson Y. Fugio asks:
>>Does anyone have a quick lesson on how to handle the portmaster
>>assigned ip's on a subneted network?
>If you subnet and use assigned addressing, the subnets *must* have at
>least enough host IPs as there are ports on the PM.

Slight correction, "... as there are ports on the PM configured for
network dialin." Here's the exact scoop (feel free to this to the FAQ
on vii, Christian):

Q. How do Assigned Addresses work?

The PortMaster allocates a pool of addresses starting at the
Assigned Address (set from the global menu or via "set assigned") and
counting up. The total number of addresses is equal to the number of
ports where Network Dialin is configured. If someone dials in and
requests an unused address from the pool, that is assigned; if somone
dials in and requests any address, the next address from the pool is
assigned, if someone disconnects, their address is placed at the END of
the pool for re-use.
