Re: Multiple passwd files and radius (fwd)

William Bulley (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 11:56:06 -0400 (EDT)

According to Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz:
> Once upon a time Chris Schmidt shaped the electrons to say...
> >a given portmaster can point to a given passwd file on the radius server.
> Only if yo hack Radius. You'd have to hack it so that it looked at a
> specific file based on the PM calling the server.

One more point about the Merit version: we have extended the concept
of the clients file to include a "prefix" column. This column defines
a filename (ASCII) prefix for the authfile and users files, if present.
This means you can have your main authfile and users files and a second
(or third...) set foobah.authfile and foobah.users on a per-PortMaster
basis (if that is useful to you).

This says nothing about pointing to multiple /etc/passwd files, but you
might look into the Merit RADIUS concept of FILE type authentication
(basically just users files) which we call "realm" files... These let
you put the "prefix" in the authfile -- very useful and handy, IMHO. :-)



William Bulley, N8NXN              Senior Systems Research Programmer
Merit Network Inc.                 Domain:
4251 Plymouth Road                 MaBell: (313) 764-9993
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105-2785    Fax:    (313) 747-3185