Re: Splitting the Authentication for Ports on a PM2

John G. Thompson (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 09:18:05 -0700 (PDT)

> M> My question is: Is it possible to run TWO authentication servers -- one
> M> for our department and one for the "other" department -- that the PM2
> M> box will talk to to implement this? I can come up with
> M> hard-to-implement schemes (e.g., one server talks to other, or one
> M> server has accounts for both, or...) but I'm trying for the easier in-
> M> the-box I-don't-have-to-hack-radius-code solution.
> M>
> M> As I understand it, the "alternate server" specification to ComOS is a
> M> specification to use if the first one is DOWN not if the first server
> M> returns a FALSE on authentication.
> M>
> M> Any clues for me? Many, many thanks!
> Take a look at the Merit version of the RADIUS server. It has the ability
> to selectively forward RADIUS packets to another RADIUS server.

OOOHH! Multiple Radius databases, just like...DNS!!!


John G. Thompson      1-408-992-2088
Amdahl Corporation, P.O. Box 3470 MS 383, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470

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