Re: MacOS 7.5.2 with new MacTCP and Open Transport.

Andrew Evrovski (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 21:44:08 -0300

At 04:55 PM 10/18/95 -0700, you wrote:
>At 12:44 PM 10/18/95, Anthony Perry wrote:
>>Last resort, have then trash ALL open transport aspects of 7.5.2 and go
>>back to MacTCP and MacPPP.
>You should only have to trash the TCP/IP related portions of Open
>Transport. Leave the AppleTalk related one if you still want to print or
>share files using AppleTalk protocols.

I found out what was buggering up the e-mail (at least in this one
particular case). Apparently, Eudora has a bug in it which when used with
Open Transport, requires outgoing messages to be at least 1500 bytes large.
This information came from Apple themselves (after a long 5 hour battle of
phone calls).

I confirmed this by attempting to resend my messages with some added
text at the end of my e-mail comprised of nonsense characters. It worked no
problem. Very weird bug. Thanks for all your help guys.


**** Andrew Evrovski **** Caught speeding
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