Splitting the Authentication for Ports on a PM2

Mike Jipping (jipping@cs.hope.edu)
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 15:17:01 -0400

We have a PM2 that uses RADIUS for authentication from a Unix box.
Being a smallish department, we don't utilize all the ports on the PM2.
Another department would like to use the rest of the ports to do PPP.

My question is: Is it possible to run TWO authentication servers -- one
for our department and one for the "other" department -- that the PM2
box will talk to to implement this? I can come up with
hard-to-implement schemes (e.g., one server talks to other, or one
server has accounts for both, or...) but I'm trying for the easier in-
the-box I-don't-have-to-hack-radius-code solution.

As I understand it, the "alternate server" specification to ComOS is a
specification to use if the first one is DOWN not if the first server
returns a FALSE on authentication.

Any clues for me? Many, many thanks!

-- Mike

Mike Jipping | jipping@cs.hope.edu
Hope College | (616) 395-7509
Department of Computer Science |

"... Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life
forms, one of them's making a poop, the other's carrying it for
him, who would you assume is in charge?"
-- Jerry Seinfeld, "SeinLanguage"