Hangup from rlogin

Bo Kullmar (Bo.Kullmar@abc.se)
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 22:30:47 +0100 (MET)

We are running rlogin from a PM-2e's and we have problems with hangup.

For the moment we do rlogin to a Solaris 2.4 system. We used to have
a SunOS 4.1.X system. The problem is when the user from the PM drops
the line and then the SUN does not log out the user. The process
just takes a lot of CPU.

I have solved with with setting tcp_keepalive_interval to 10000 and
runing a perl script that kills them. (I do ha match between
/usr/ucb/ps -xau and the w command.)

Sun Support in Sweden tells me that the system that does the rlogin,
in this case the PortMaster, have to do a proper hangup. They say
that Sun system does this.

Is that true? If yes, why does not the PM do it right or?

--Bo Kullmar
ABC-Klubben, the home of pmwho, ftp://pub/pmwho/pmwho.c