RADIUS Implementations

Victor Muslin (vmuslin@wp.prodigy.com)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 15:21:16 -0400 (EDT)

Being new to Radius, I noticed through following various discussions
on this list and others that there appears to be two popular
implementations, one from Livingston (1.16) and one from Merit
(2.4). Are there any others? Does anyone have a C++ implementation?
Also having examined Livingston's implementation -- Merit's is much
more extensive and I haven't braved it yet -- it appeared that the
code could benefit from using Lex/Yacc. Has anyone done that?

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| Victor Muslin | |
| Prodigy Services Company | Voice: (914) 448-4737 |
| 445 Hamilton Avenue, H11A | Fax: (914) 448-8133 |
| Whilte Plains, NY 10601 | Internet: vmuslin@prodigy.com |
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