Re: DBM for AIX 3.2.5

Victor Muslin (
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 15:11:09 -0400 (EDT)

> According to Victor Muslin:
> >
> > The problem is Livingston's use of DBM symbol as in:
> >
> > #ifdef DBM
> > ... do something...
> > #endif /* DBM */
> >
> > DBM, at least on AIX, happens to be also defined in the ndbm.h include
> > file as a typedef'ed data type. Simply replace all preprocessor
> > occurrances of DBM in Livingston's code with something else, like
> > "USEDBM".
> >
> > I reported this bug to Carl Rigney at Livingston a few months ago.
> The Merit 2.x version(s) has/have been using the manifest
> constant "USE_DBM" since August. Our version runs just
> fine on AIX (and lots of other places, too). ;^)
> Regards,
> web...
> --
> William Bulley, N8NXN Senior Systems Research Programmer
> Merit Network Inc. Domain:
> 4251 Plymouth Road MaBell: (313) 764-9993
> Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-2785 Fax: (313) 747-3185


Merit version compiles as long as the Makefile is not "improved". I
tried to "improve" Merit's Makefile file by changing CC symbol from
"cc" to "xlc", which calls the same compiler but sets the language
level to "ansi". Nothing compiled then (including AIX's own include
files, such as select.h) until -D_ALL_SOURCE is added to CFLAGS.

Tried to send you a private message about it a few days ago, but it
bounced back for some reason...

\\ - - //
( @ @ )
| Victor Muslin | |
| Prodigy Services Company | Voice: (914) 448-4737 |
| 445 Hamilton Avenue, H11A | Fax: (914) 448-8133 |
| Whilte Plains, NY 10601 | Internet: |
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